How do i cite a speech retrieved from a textbook?


You don't mention what citation style you are using, but I assume it is going to be APA, since it seems to be the style that everyone has problems with.

First, remember that APA wishes to be a scientific citation style. Speeches aren't usually quoted in scientific papers. I say this because APA prefers that you never quote a source quoted in a source. They would prefer you to acquire the original source and then cite it directly.

With that said, they do leave the door open with this, which is addressed on p. 178 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition.

Use secondary sources sparingly, for instance, when the original work is out of print, unavailable through usual sources, or not available in English. Give the secondary source in the reference list; in text, name the original work and give a citation for the secondary source. For example, if Allport's work is cited in Nicholson and you did not read Allport's work, list the Nicholson reference in the reference list. In the text, use the following citation:

Allport's diary (as cited in Nicholson, 2003).

So, in your reference list, cite your text book.

Aussie, R. D. (Ed). (2017). Great speeches, especially the one by Todd White. Duluth Township: Up the Shore Publishing.

Then, in your text, and depending on how you write this, your in-text citation would be ...

White, in his first inaugural address, boldy stated "On day one of my administration I will sign an executive order banning the use of APA on grounds that it is cruel and unusual" (as cited in Aussie, 2017, p. 214).

  • Last Updated Apr 16, 2020
  • Views 15
  • Answered By Todd White

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