how do I cite a book with a different author for the chapter I am using then the author of the book? Which do I cite?
It sounds like you are citing a chapter from an edited book, i.e. each chapter is written by different individuals. Check the title page and see if the "author" of the book is listed actually as an editor.
The form for an edited book chapter is -
Vye, C., Jr. (2007). Managing anxiety and related conditions: Solutions and effective approaches. In S. F.
Smith, D. J. Duell, & B. C. Marting (Eds.), Underpressure and overwhelmed: Coping with anxiety in
college (pp. 53-67). New York, NY: Praeger.
Basically it goes like this -
Chapter author - date - chapter title - In name of eds - title of book - chapter pages - place of publication - publisher.
For a longer explanation, see this page from the CSS Library APA guide -