How do I write in caption and in reference page in APA 6 th edition in thesis paper if I have to combine two different maps in one single map?
I have to combine two different maps in one single map through editing , where one map from online web and another from through government office in pen drive ( flash drive )?
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition is not going to offer any specifics on how to cite a map you created from two other maps. You need to think of your reader and your responsibility to present clear, understandable information to them.
The details of creating captions are too detailed to go over in an email. Captions, including examples with graphics, are presented on pp. 158-160 of the APA manual. You should study those examples. APA describes a caption as "both an explanation of the figure and as a figure title. The caption should be a brief but descriptive phase" (p. 159).
On p. 160 this example of a "sufficiently descriptive" caption is given:
Figure 3. Fixation duration as a function of the delay between the beginning of eye fixation and the onset of the stimulus in Experiment 1.
A caption also cites the original source.
If you are creating an original map out of two existing maps, you might want to show the two source maps first. These could be Figure 1 and Figure 2. The captions for these would cite where you found them.
Then your combination map would be Figure 3 and your caption/description would explain what you did, i.e.
Figure 3. Combination of climate map (Figure 1) with geographical map (Figure 2) demonstrating changed weather patterns.
You would not need a source, since your caption (and also probably some your text) would make it clear that you, the author, are the one combing the maps, and that this is not a third outside source that you failed to document.
Again, there is not official way to do this. Think of your reader. And probably check with your professor. I am sure he or she will have a good idea of how to present this information