How do I cite a report I found on a state agency's website?

I would like to format APA citation for this report: It was created by Maxfield Research - would that the be listed as the author? If not, how should I cite this source?


I think we could treat this souce as a "technical or research report." This is the generic form from p. 20 of the APA Style Guide to Electronic Resources, 6th edition.

General Reference Format

Author, A. A. (year). Title of work (Report No. xxx) [Description of form]. Retrieved from Agency Name website: http://xxxxx

Your citation could look like this -

Maxfield Reseach. (2013, September). Comprehensive needs assessment for Washington County, Minnesota [Prepared for Washington County Housing and Redevelopment Authority]. Retrieved from Washington County MN website:

I think this form allows us to be descriptive of the information, as in who created it, for whom, and what it is. Also, the direct link you sent me was non-functional. This form sends your reader to the agency website, not the actual document. Your read could then use the search function to find the document and we then solve the bad link problem.

My software does not allow me to format APA properly, so remember to double space and indent.

  • Last Updated Apr 16, 2020
  • Views 67
  • Answered By Todd White

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