How do I site an interview I read on a website?


Good question! This question is answered a bit differently depending on what citation style you are using. I will answer it for both MLA and APA as those are the most common. If you are using a style other than those, please email back and we can help you with that.

MLA: Both interviews and web sites are cited in the Works Cited page at the end of your paper as well as in the text of your paper. I would consider this a web site as that is the source you used to get to the interview rather than an interview itself as you did not conduct the interview. To cite a web site in your Works Cited page, here is a link to see an example and an explanation for all the parts:

To cite a web site in your paper, put the author's last name in parentheses or in your case the person interviewed and the paragraph number you paraphrased or quoted from. It will look something like this (Johnson par. 4).

APA: Interviews are not listed in your References list page at the end of your paper as they cannot be reproduced. They are only listed in your paper. That doesn't pertain though as I would list your source as a web site in APA as well. To cite a web site in your References list, here is a link to see an example and an explanation for all the parts:

To cite a web site in your paper, put the author's last name in parentheses or in your case the person interviewed, the year of the interview or the most recent year the web site was updated, and the paragraph number only if you quoted from it. If you only paraphrased from it, you do not need to give the paragraph number. It will look something like this (Johnson, 2012, par. 4) or (Johnson, 2012).

Please let us know if you would like more help. As always with citations, pay close attention to all the details such as commas, periods, capitalization, etc. to make it perfect.

Good luck!

  • Last Updated Apr 17, 2020
  • Views 214
  • Answered By Heidi Johnson

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