If I am mentioning a Web 2.0 application within an APA style literature review, such as Twitter or FaceBook, do I need to put it in italics?

If I am mentioning a Web 2.0 application within an APA style literature review, such as Twitter or FaceBook, do I need to put it in italics? or do I just capitalize the term without italics?


Just to make sure I am understanding your question, you are discussing Facebook in the text of your article, not citing information from Facebook (for how to cite posts from Facebook or Twitter, see. pp. 33- 34 of the APA Style Guide to Electronic Literature, 6th edition).


I discussed this with another Librarian and we both agree that this would be an example of a trade or brand name (see p. 102 of the Publication Manual of the America Psychological Association, 6th edition). Therefore, capitalize, but do not italicize.

Example:  "Despite what the major religions have taught for thousand of years, life had no ultimate meaning until Facebook and Twitter were created."

Good luck with the end of the semester.



  • Last Updated Apr 17, 2020
  • Views 347
  • Answered By Todd White

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