How do I correctly cite a foreign journal name in APA? Do I use the French version or English translation?

This is one version I did using the english translation of the journal name: Kulcu, D., Yanik, B., Boynukalin, S., & Kurtais, Y. (2008). Efficacy of a home-based exercise program on benign paroxysmal positional vertigo compared with betahistine. Journal of Otolaryngology- Head & Neck Surgery, 37(3) 373-379. And this is the version SOLAR gave me: Kulcu, D., Yanik, B., Boynukalin, S., & Kurtais, Y. (2008). Efficacy of a home-based exercise program on benign paroxysmal positional vertigo compared with betahistine. Journal Of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery = Le Journal D'oto-Rhino-Laryngologie Et De Chirurgie Cervico-Faciale, 37(3), 373-379. Which is correct? Of course the journal name should be italicized. And I need to manually add the doi in at the end, right? Thanks for your help!


I would just use the English name for the journal. There is an unspoken rule for books that if you have both a domestic & foreign publisher listed, you go with the domestic publisher.

Also, writing is about audience. I will make the assumption that this a paper for a class & not a presentation at an international conference, so then the audience would want English ... :)

Yes, you would have to add the doi number at the end of the citation. If it is not readily available, then use the website of the journal. See this CSS LibGuide page for an example.

  • Last Updated Apr 17, 2020
  • Views 191
  • Answered By Todd White

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