APA - How do I cite multiple chapters of a book with the same authors?

APA - How do I cite multiple chapters of a book with the same authors. I know to put the page number range comma second page range. However, what abou the chapter title? Do I state it, or just the book title and page numbers. Thank you.


It sounds as if you have a book with multiple chapters written by multiple authors, however, you want to use several chapters from this book which happen to be written by the same authors ... correct?

If so, then you need to treat each chapter as an individual piece of information and create an individual citation for each. Follow the form for Chapter from an Edited Book.

Since you will have multiple citations with the same authors & dates, you can differentiate them with a letter system, i.e.

White, T., & Aussie, R. T. (2014a). Sheepdogs are neurotic. In F. Blanco (Ed.). Which canines rule?

     (256-270). New York: Woof-Woof Press.

White, T., & Aussie, R. T. (2014b). Sheepdogs are the best. In F. Blanco (Ed.). Which canines rule?

     (pp. 241-255). New York: Woof-Woof Press.


Your in-text would then be something like ...

The Australian Shepherd is a "blue-eyed devil" (White & Aussie, 2014b, p. 241). Many owners have stated that mismatched yellow and blue eyes add to the general feeling of craziness (White & Aussie, 2014a).




  • Last Updated Apr 16, 2020
  • Views 124959
  • Answered By Todd White

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Comments (2)

  1. In terms of the "a" and "b", are these designated based on order of appearance in the work? Or based chronologically on Chapter number? (i.e., ch. 1 would be a and chapter 2 would be b). In mine, chapter four is cited in text prior to chapter 3. Thanks!
    by Guest on Mar 30, 2018
  2. This from p. 178 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition.

    "Identify works by the same author ...[and] with the same publication date with the suffixes a, b, c, and so forth after the year ... the suffixes are assigned in the reference list where these kinds of references are ordered alphabetically by title (of the article, chapter, or complete work)."

    So, in your reference list, when you have more than one source by the same author with the same publication year you first arrange the citations alphabetically by title, then you assign the suffixes, a, b, c, etc.
    by Todd White on Apr 02, 2018