How would I cite this advertising companies statistics in APA?

My paper is a review of an advertisement in Outdoor Life Magazine. This report gives demographic information of the readers. I'd like to cite this source as a reference. What category does it fall under? and how do I cite it in my paper?


The first piece of information you need to determine in order to cite something is "what type of information is this?" APA is designed for scientific papers, so it does not have examples for the many items students want to cite in papers in fields outside of psychology. So, we need to apply a little "spirit of the law," i.e. we need to make this easy for the reader to understand what the source is and retrieve it.

I think we could use the form for a brochure on p. 30 of the APA Style Guide to Electronic Resources, 6th edition.

33. Brochure

California Board of Psychology. (2005). For your peace of mind: A consumer's guide to psychological

[Brochure]. Retrieved from

With this as a guide, we could construct your citation like this (using a corporate author) - 

Outdoor Life. (2014). 2014 Outdoor Life media kit [Brochure]. Retrieved


In-text or parenthetical references depend on how you are writing your paper ...

Ninety percent of pheasant hunters prefer Spinones over English Springer Spaniels (Outdoor Life, 2014).


Research by Outdoor Life shows that "while 90% of readers own Spinones or Labradors, they acknowledge that the Australian Shepherd is the superior dog" (2014, p. 363).


There is no question among outdoor enthusiasts that the "Australian Shepherd is the superior dog" (Outdoor Life, 2014, p. 363).

We offer more information on in-texts references at:

  • Last Updated Apr 16, 2020
  • Views 694
  • Answered By Todd White

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