How do you cite a photograph in APA 7th edition?

I need some guidance on how to properly cite photos in the References section (APA 7the edition). I've put the information below. Thanks!

By Walking for Health Paul Glendell / Natural England - originally posted to Flickr as WfH Epsom Aug 09_14, CC BY-SA 2.0, PHOTO ATTRIB By Daniel Case - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,


This is the reference example for a photograph from p. 347 of Publication Manual of the  American Psychological Association, 7th edition.

101. Photograph

McCurry, S. (1985). Afghan girl [Photograph]. National Geographic.

Rinaldi, J. (2016). [Photograph series of a boy who finds his footing after abuse by those he trusted]. The Pulitzer Prizes.

Parenthetical citations: (McCurry, 1985; Rinaldi, 2016)
Narrative citations:  McCurry (1985) and Rinaldi (2016)

  • Use this format to cite (but not reproduce) photographs or other artwork not connected to a museum (for museum artwork, see Example 97). To reproduce a photograph, permission an/or a copyright attribution may be necessary in addition to the reference (see Section 12.15).
  • The source is the name of the site from which the photography was retrieved.
  • For an untitled photograph, include a description in square brackets in place of title.

So, it looks like the form is:  Author | date | Title of photograph | statement of type of media, i.e. photograph | Name of website, i.e. source | URL

Now that we have a formula, we do our best to plug in the information you have ...

Glendell, P. (2009). Walking for health in Epsom-5Aug2009 (2) [Photograph]. Wikimedia Commons.

Parenthetical citation:  (Glendell, 2009).

Two notes:

  • I can't reproduce proper indenting and spacing with my AskUs software, so please remember to space and indent second & subsequent lines.
  • I debated on adding the "5Aug2009 (2)" in the title. It seem odd, but usually a file name goes all the way to the file extension tag (.jpg). I never know if there is a right or wrong answer for this, so I am erring on the side of caution - and maybe there is a 5Aug2009 (1) somewhere?

    Todd White


  • Last Updated Jun 10, 2020
  • Views 183
  • Answered By Todd White

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