How do I cite a YouTube video?

Also, I need to quote the video in my paper.


Citing a YouTube video sounds scarier than it actually is. The basic formula is -

Author | Date | Title | Media | Service | URL

Based on that, here is an example of what a citation would be.

White, T. (2022, December 22). Monte the Aussie busts some moves with his Frisbee [Video].  YouTube.

If you need to quote from the video, obviously you don't have a page number. In that case, then, you use the timestamp of when the quote begin. This, from page 274 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th edition.

Audiovisual Works. To directly quote from an audiovisual work (e.g. audio-book, YouTube video, TED Talk, TV show). provide a time stamp for the beginning of the quotation in place of a page number.

So, our quote & parenthetical reference from the above example would be something like this -

It is speculated that Monte could leap over the head of a person of average height. One researcher, when viewing his sweet air time, stated "Holy Cr*p! Did you see that?" (White, 2022, 3:15).

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  • Last Updated Dec 22, 2022
  • Views 15
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