How to cite a PDF?

I am having difficulty figuring out how to cite a PDF in APA7. I'm guessing it would be similar to a journal but really want to make sure-thank you.


How to cite a PDF?

If it is a PDF of an article that you found using one of our databases, then yes, you would cite it just like a journal article. The library database can actually give you the citation in APA 7, but you would want to double check it for accuracy.

If it is a PDF you found from another source like a website, then it is cited as a website giving as much information as possible and including its web address or URL.

Here is a link to our LibGuide for APA 7 that will give you more information:

Click on the pull-down menu on the "Reference Formats" tab to see the options for journal article or other types of articles like magazines or newspapers to double check those citations from a database or else for webpages & websites for if this PDF comes from that.


  • Last Updated Nov 01, 2024
  • Views 6
  • Answered By Heidi Johnson

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