Note: Please read comments following this answer for more details.
I'm not sure if there is going to an answer to this. How would one be able to track and record that data?
It seems the only source would be to actually ask the homeless if they are employed. Traditional surveys for gathering data depend on people being linked to place, and obviously we lose that aspect with the homeless.
I did find a document on poverty in Anoka County, and it stated:
On the most recent count of homeless in Anoka County conducted by the Wilder Research Foundation (October 25, 2012) 112 people in families (including 57 children) and 92 individuals not in families (204 total) were found to be homeless. Of these, 130 were in shelters and 74 were not.
Here is link to the Wilder Research Foundation study they mention -
It is quite a detailed survey, but from a brief scan it did not appear that the interviewer asked about employment. Nor did they ask about race. You do get age, though.
I don't like to fob off questions on other libraries, but libraries do have a mission and a population they serve. With that said, the Anoka County Public Library - - might be a place to look. They serve the people of Anoka County. Likewise, the Anoka County government site might be a good resource.
As a librarian at Scholastica, I would never collect items related to Anoka Country, and probably not even St. Louis County, as I would see that as more of a mission fit with the Duluth Public Library.
You might also try contacting the Wilder Research Foundation and see if they know of any surveys on homeless and employment -
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