How do I cite an Oregon State House Bill 2191, relating to excused absences from school; and declaring an emergency.
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edition, does not provide an example of citing a bill (a bill being not yet a statute until passed). This is APA’s example of a federal bill (p. 222 of the APA manual).
“Title [if relevant], bill or resolution number, xxx Cong. (year).
If we apply the “spirit” of the form to the Oregon state bill, we would be looking at something like this –
House Bill 2191, 80th Oregon Legislative Assembly (2019).
A few notes.
A saw no apparent name for the bill, so per APA’s instructions, I did not include it.
Again, because this is an online source, and the way most people would access a copy, and because APA’s example is based on print, you could add a retrieval statement which would make the citation look like this* –
House Bill 2191, 80th Oregon Legislative Assembly (2019). Retrieved from liz/2019R1/Downloads/MeasureDocument/HB2191/Introduced
*My software for answering this question won't let me double space & indent.
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