Ulrich's, an international index of journals, has no listing for the Journal of Feminist Studies.
Hopefully, you are looking for The Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion. If this is the case, then we can help.
a). Head to the Library's database menu at:
b). Log on to Academic Search Premier.
c). Click on "advanced search."
d). In the search box, type in Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion - directly to the right of this, change the box from "select a field (optional)" to "SO journal name"
e). Click on search.
You should now be able to browse The Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, from the most current issue to the oldest.
Academic Search Premier has JFSIR in full-text from 2004 the present. ATLA (also on the find articles pages) has the full-text of JFSIR back as far as 1985.
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