You can add notes to citations you find in our Ebsco databases (such as Academic Search Premier, CINAHL, Medline, ERIC, etc). Follow these steps.
a). Make sure you log into your folder (if you don't have a folder you will need to create one - look for the folder icon in the upper right-hand side of the screen.
b). When you find a citation of interest, click on the title of the article to bring up the full record. You will see a series of icons in the right- hand tool bar. Click on the "create note" icon.
c). A pop-up box will appear, allowing you to create a note. Click on save when you are finished.
d). Your notes, along with the citation they accompany, will be stored in your folder under the category "notes."
Remember. You must sign into your folder before notes will be saved. All folder contents are permanent, so once they are in there they are safe as long as you need them.
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