Answered By: Todd White
Last Updated: Jun 15, 2015     Views: 55

One of the difficulties of answering questions via email is that there is no chance for a me to ask questions to clarify your intent. So, I hope this question is meant in general terms, as opposed to say a the strategic plan of a specific company.

Here is how I would work it.

a).  You are looking for articles, so we want to use a database, and since it is dealing with companies, it seems logical to start with one of our business databases. A menu on this page -

My personal preference it to use Business Source Complete (which I will in this search). ABI Inform would be another good choice.

b). Your question combines two ideas - information systems and their strategic use. I am going to search for those as separate ideas, and then combine them in search history.

I went to the subject heading thesaurus in BSP to see if they used the term "information systems." They do not, but referred me to the term "information resources management"

This is how they define it: "Here are entered works on the coordination of information gathering and dissemination responsibilities within an organization. The concept combines under one management such traditional organizational functions as: ADP management, communication technology management, procurement, formulation of regulations standards, paperwork management, security, information systems development, data base management, and library and information services."

It seems to fit the bill to me (if this is not how you see it, then we will have to go to Plan B). I accepted this as a search term and conducted in a search which retrieved 21,378 hits.

c).  The second part of your question asked about the strategic use of IS. I went back to the basic search page and ran a keyword search for "strateg*"

The * is a wild card symbol. This allowed me to get "strategy" or "strategies" with one search (since we don't know which term the author may have used). This netted me 535,374 hits (!).

d). I then went to "search history" and combined these two searches with "and." This narrowed the results to 3,705 hits.

e). Now, I made an assumption that your professor might be wanting you to use scholarly journals, so from the left-hand menu I limited these last results to "scholarly (peer-reviewed) journals." Our hit count is now at 1,923.

This is the stopping point for searching. Now I would recommend you browse the results, and if you start finding articles that work, great! You can browse the search results by clicking on this URL -*))&cli0=RV&clv0=Y&type=0&site=ehost-live

I hope this gets you on the right track.




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