Different style guides address questions differently, & from your question I am not sure what style you are using. My guess would be either APA or AMA. So, here are some options.
a). The simplest way might be to go to the original, or earliest publication of the article. Since it would be the "ur" text, it would negate the need for this question. We do not have electronic access to it, so you would need to use ILL & that would take a few days for the article to reach you. I don't know how that will work with your time-line.
b). I checked The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association & did not find a solution to this issue.
c). I did find this in the AMA Manual of Style (10th edition, p. 52.).
3.11.15 Duplicate Publication. The following form is suggested for citation of a notice duplicate publication ...
1. Mettler, L. Notice of duplicate publication [duplicate publication of Mettler L, Audebert A, Lehmann-Willenbrock E, Schive K, Jacobs VR. Prospective clinical trial of SprayGel as a barrier to adhesion formation: an interim analysis. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc. 2003;10(3):339-344]. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laprosc. 2004;11(1):130.
Again, I think option A is the simplest & most elegant way to go.
Hope this helps.
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